Goals & Strategy

Our goal in INTERWOOD is to become the number one company in the Greek timber industry, thus maximizing the value we offer to our shareholders, clients and personnel.

Our strategy is to respond to the ever changing needs of the timber market so as through our growth, innovation and profitability, to be in a position to offer goods and services in the best value for money.

In order to achieve our goals, we have set fundamental and non-negotiable values:


Each person we work with and collaborate, inside and outside of the company, enjoys our full respect.

Transparency και Ethics

In our company, we primarily value and look for integrity in our people, as well as productivity.

Open minded Organizing

We are strong believers of horizontal models of organizing, so as to effectively communicate within the company and to immediately respond to market changes.

Team Effort

By working as part of a team, we believe that 1+1 can equal 3.


We choose to keep our gaze “outside the window” – in the market, than looking at our selves in the “mirror”.

Continuous learning and adaptability

We believe that past successful strategies don’t guarantee success in the future as well. Instead we  believe that we can learn something new every day and we encourage change as the only road to progress.

Encouragement and Entrepreneurship

We appreciate bold initiatives and we reward the success that comes from them.

Targeting and results delivering

We are action oriented and we believe that successful strategy is the one which when implemented brings the desired results.

Improving living environment

We aim through our offered products and services to contribute to the improving of our society’s standard of living.